Choosing the best reusable nappies for your newborn

Choosing the best reusable nappies for your newborn
When you're shopping for newborn reusable nappies, there are several things to think about. You'll have enough to think about when baby arrives and you don't want to waste money on nappies that aren't going to work for you in the long-term. This guide will help you cut through the confusion and choose the best reusable nappies for your newborn, before they arrive!
Top things to consider when buying newborn reusable nappies:
Good fit
First, you should look for a nappy that fits well on your baby's body. This means the legs will be snug around their thighs and the waistband won't ride up over their umbilical cord stump. A good fit will make it easier to change your little one's diaper without any fuss or mess! Our customers love Peachi nappies for their slim-fit as they're less bulky than other brands. But it's a personal preference.
Type of nappy: 'Newborn nappies' vs BTP nappies
If you buy a stash of nappies that are specifically 'newborn nappies', you are going to need to buy more nappies when they outgrow them. You'll also be stuck with a whole load of nappies that aren't being used, which kind of defeats the object, right?
The most sustainable option is to go for a BTP 'birth-to-potty' nappy that will fit most babies from newborn to potty-training age. Make sure you check the brand's reviews because not all 'birth-to-potty' nappies are made equal and sometimes they don't actually fit babies from birth.
Can you do the 'newborn hack' with your nappies? They will need to have a special popper placement to achieve this.
Peachi Baby nappies are one of the only brands that are true 'BTP' nappies, meaning they fit most bubs from birth to potty. Plus, they have the correct poppers placement for the newborn hack!
Type of material
Second, think about material types for the nappy inserts. Bamboo cotton or hemp are generally regarded as the best fabrics for modern cloth nappy inserts because they're highly absorbent and not too bulky. It is also important to choose a nappy with a stay-dry layer as this will help prevent nappy rash. Every Peachi Baby nappy comes with two nappy inserts that are made from layers of highly absorbent bamboo cotton and have a stay-dry layer.
Do you like them?
Finally, what nappy brands are you drawn to? Part of the fun of cloth nappies is choosing the prints and you're more likely to use the nappies if you enjoy them!
So... Where do you start with cloth nappies?
The first step to getting started with your cloth nappies is to start with one or two from a reputable supplier with good reviews. Give them a prewash and practice using them by stuffing the nappies and resizing them using the poppers. We have video tutorials you can refer to. If you like them (we know you will!) then it's time to opt for a bundle before baby arrives. You can read more about how many reusable nappies you need here.
When it comes to prints —you might want some neutral colours for wearing under light-coloured baby clothes, as well as fun, bright patterns for showing off in warmer weather.
In the end though: buy what makes sense for your family!
Peachi Baby customers have access to free fitting help and support along their cloth nappy journey. So if you have any questions at all, just chat to us!
What else will you need?
A wet bag
This is a lined waterproof bag that you can use to store your soiled nappies while out and about. It's best to get one with two zipped compartments to separate your clean & dry nappies from the wet & dirty ones.
Reusable nappy bags
These are smaller versions of a wet bag used as a zero-waste version of a plastic, disposable nappy bags, for individual cloth nappies.
A wipeable changing mat
Ideally, one that is portable so that you can take it with you in your nappy changing bag.
Reusable baby wipes are a really easy zero-waste swap and are a no-brainer if you're going to be using cloth nappies. They're no extra fuss because you just throw them in the same wash.
Cloth nappy liners (optional)
Some people use disposable liners for catching solids. They lay on top of your nappy inserts. Many cloth nappy parents don't bother with a liner as they're a bit hit-or-miss depending on the type of poo (!) but they're an option worth mentioning.
Read what this first-time mum had to say about using reusable nappies with her newborn.